Rating scales for researchers
Between 1999-2005 an interdisciplinary team of clinicians, epidemiologists and psychologists developed four patient-reported outcomes tools that explored the effect of sex hormones on health and aging. As part of ZEG Berlin’s commitment to improving the transparency and quality of epidemiological research, the scales are provided here for use by researchers in their work. All scales are based on the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) concept and assess specific health concerns that can be difficult to derive from other sources.
Scales can be downloaded for free and used without formal permission
Click through the links below to access the scales
Researchers interested in applying the scales in their research can download the appropriate language version for free without formal permission from the copyright holder. Links to the individual scales can be found at the bottom of this page. As a courtesy, please let us know that you are using the scale. In return, any new information or developments concerning the scales will be made publicly available.
Background information on the development, reliability, and validity of the scales can be found on the individual scale pages.
All surveys have been validated and are available in several languages.